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Empowered Young Women: Trade Liberalization and Women's Family Decisions in China


南京大学商学院国际经济贸易系助理教授。日内瓦大学经济学博士(2020),主要研究领域为国际贸易学,发展经济学,金融经济学。研究成果发表于European Economic Review、Journal of Comparative Economics。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项。


Do trade-induced labor market opportunities affect women's marriage and fertility decisions? Exploiting regional variation in the exposure to the U.S. granting of Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR), we find that more exposed Chinese prefectures experience a relative increase in the fraction of unmarried young women. This relative increase is due to young women delaying their first marriage and more married women choosing to divorce. The share of young women with children, as a result of changed marriage decisions, also experiences a relative decline in more exposed areas. We show that these shifts in family decisions coincide with a trade-induced increase in female workforce participation and reallocation of women relative to men to the service sector, where wages are higher.


五、地点腾讯会议:750-553-442 密码:2022

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